Mi Casa es Su Casa

¡Bienvenidos! We are very happy you are here.

Please keep in mind:

  • The Wi-Fi network is Abogados Cafe. PW: bestcoffee

  • Kindly limit your visit to 90 minutes. We want other customers to enjoy our tiny shop. (We are not trying to be a coworking space here.)

  • If you spill something, let us know. Hiding it makes it worse.

  • When you are done, you may leave everything on the table. We'll take care of it for you!

  • We will clean after each guest/group, so don't mind the loud vacuum cleaner.

  • The plants are real. Do not touch, feed, or water them.

  • Our décor is for your enjoyment here. Do not move it around or take it with you.

  • Our tables are level, but the tile they rest on has a rustic finish. So if a table is wobbly, just spin it around slowly to find the right level spot.

  • We have two gender-neutral bathrooms down the hall.

  • We compost almost everything. So please sort out trash and discard it properly. When in doubt, trash it out.

  • Our Mercadito is fully stocked, so shop to your heart’s content!

  • SMILE: you are on camera!